Vale of Pickering Research Trust

None of the work that has been carried out at Star Carr and in the surrounding area would have been possible had it not been for the support of the VPRT.

In 1985 the VPRT was set up with the mission to carry out detailed site surveys and systematic test-pit sampling around the whole of what would have been Lake Flixton. This work has been carried out every summer resulting in a detailed understanding of the landscape and other Early Mesolithic sites around the lake. The VPRT have also supported all the excavations around the lake edge, including the ones at Star Carr.

The VPRT raise money to develop outreach activities. We are currently keen to find ways of engaging school children with the work at Star Carr and the surrounding area.

If you would like to support us, please send a cheque to the treasurer (made out to "The Vale of Pickering Research Trust"):

Mr Graham Harvey ACIB

12 Priory Grove


W. Yorks

BD16 4HT